Organisation Culture 
  Intercross regards "helping others and themselves" as the core principle of the enterprise. It embodies the collective personality of the enterprise and is collectively pursued by all each and every individual of Intercross.
         渡人- reflects the people-orientation of the enterprise, which views people as the greatest resource of the firm by providing employees with job opportunities and guidance across different career stage. At its core, Intercross emphasizes on achieving win-win situation of providing sustainable profit for the investor while also improving welfare of the employees, partners and wider society. 
         渡己 - denotes Intercross persistent effort toward being a competitive enterprise through reflexive approach of reflecting oneself while also keeping up with the technological development. Through continuous improvement, meeting the needs of the market, daring to be the first, Intercross strive to become a beneficial enterprise to the society.
     同舟共济 - signifies Intercross is in the same boat to help each other. We strive to create a win-win relationship within with our employees, customers and partners. We are sowing seeds of hope together, experiencing the storm of the market hand in hand, and reaping the joy of harvest together.
